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  • Writer's pictureSakar Michel

Updated: Jul 28, 2021

TLDR:What did I learn

  1. 3 major battle was faught for Haiti to declare independence

  2. The inventor of Barbeque

  3. The first female distiller was Haitian

  4. The most prosperous country in world in 1780 because of the export of sugar

  5. Birthplace of the first president of the Domincian Republic

  6. Birthplace of the author who created The Three Musketeers

  7. Haiti has one of the finest rum throughout the world

Hi, welcome to another edition of Are You Hungry? . Today, Haiti pronounce (eye eat tea) is the first stop on our great journey through the Caribbean. Haiti is full of rich history, smashing dishes, and has a unique story to tell. Haiti means the land of high mountains. Haiti’s motto is pronounced La Union fay la force. L’Union fait la force means Union makes strength. Haiti is split into ten departments just like the United States is split into 50 states. The departments of Haiti are Artibonite, Centre, Grand’Anse, Nippes, Nord, Nord-Est, Nord-Ouest, Ouest, Sud-Est, Sud. There are ten popular dishes known throughout Haiti.There are more than ten popular historical events in Haiti. Ten mouthwatering dishes to discuss. Ten departments in Haiti to explore. Ten history facts to tell. Are you ready to explore?


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The first dish to crave is Lalo pronounced (La-lo).

Lalo is called Jute Leaves in The United States. Lalo is a popular Haitian vegetable dish.

The ingredients to make Lalo beef meat, blue crabs, watercress, spinach, parsley, thyme, hot pepper, tomato, extra virgin olive oil, tomato pasta, butter served with white rice, and of course the star of the dish jute leaves. Lalo comes from the department of Artibonite

The instruction to prepare the meal

"Step 1: Make sure you cut the meat and remove the fat. While you are cutting the meat make sure you are boiling some water on the stove to later disinfect the meat also known as chaude. Step 2: While the water is boiling, make sure you add the cleaning ingredients to clean the meat. Make sure you clean the meat with the ingredients at least 3 times and rinse off the meat with cold water. After the water has been boiling and you are done cleaning the meat, you will pour the hot water over the meat and let it sit for 5 minutes.

Step 3: After 5 minutes has passed, add seasoning ingredients and let it marinate for 30 minutes.

Step 4: Add the oil on medium high heat and add the marinated meat and crab and let it fry for 2 minutes.

Step 5: Add 6 cups of water to cook the meat and the lalo. I added the tomato for a little bit of flavor AND ITS ONLY OPTIONAL

Step 6: Clean and salt the Lalo and let it soak for 25 minutes. After that wash it 3 times and strain it.

Step 7: I will add the lalo, watercress and the spinach and let it cook for 1 hour and 30 minutes. I covered the vegetables with aluminum foil so that way the vegetables can be cook and it helps prevent the lalo form being tough.

Step 8: After the 1 hour and 30 minutes has passed, wait until the water is completely evaporated and add the tomato paste, butter, hot pepper, parsley/thyme and bell peppers for added flavor. YOU DO NOT NEED TO ADD THE HOT PEPPER IF YOU DO NOT LIKE SPICY FOOD !!!

Step 9: After that you will put the lalo on medium low heat and let it simmer for 40 minutes. After that you are ready to enjoy your LALO 😀" (Marie)

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The first department to explore is Artibonite pronounced (La-Tea-Bow-Neat). Lalo comes from this department. In the department of Artibonite, is a town called Saint-Marc. Here the battle of Crete-a-pierrot pronounced crepes pear row was fought in 1802. The fight was between the French and Haitian rebels. French wanted to reinforce slavery and Haitian were fighting to prevent such reinforcement. “The fort of Crête-à-Pierrot was fought over to control access to the Cahos mountains and Toussaint had given command that the fort should be held even in case of heavy losses.” (Esser). Toussaint was a military leader fighting for Independence of Haiti. Debelle was the leader of the French troops fighting for re-enslavement of the haitian people. The first attempt to siege the fort ended in a disaster for Debelle. He lost 400 men and was forced to retreat. The second attempt was successful for Debelle and a disaster for Toussaint. The Haitian troop had to retreat to the Cahos Mountains. They lost about 200 men. The reason for the troop retreatment was because the French had 12,000 men and the Haitian army was low on supplies. The battle started on March 4, 1802, and ended on March 24, 1802. The French troops lost more men sieging the fort than Haitian troops protecting the fort. The battle demonstrates the strength of the Haitian troops.

Soup Jomou


The second dish to crave is soup Jomou pronounced Jer- moo. Jomou in English is called squash soup. Squash soup is a popular soup consumed by all Haitian across the world every January first. The ingredients for the dish is : beef stew meat, buttercup squash, hot green pepper, leeks, turnip, carrot, cabbage, celery, African’s yam, butter, lime, parsley, thyme, cloves, macaroni ziti, spaghetti split in half, and flour dumplings. Every New Year’s Day the Haitian slaves had to prepare soup Jomou for their French master. It was a French delicacy dish that the slaves could not take apart of. On Jan 1, 1804, all that changed. The soup is a reminder of freedom. It also is a reminder of the sacrifices they and their ancestors made to secure this victory.

The instruction to prepare the meal


Rinse meat off with cold water then add epis, salt, blended herbs, seasoned salt and garlic powder.

Work spices into meat until well distributed, cover and set aside.

Bring 8 cups of water to a boil in a large pot on high flame for the squash and cook for 20-30 mins or until pumpkin is fork tender.

The same goes for the yam.

Let the meat cook for 30-40 minutes on medium low heat.

Remove cooked pumpkin and squash from the pot.

Using a strainer and a large bowl, place strainer over the bowl and begin to blend the squash.

Use liquid from pot that you boiled the squash in to help get your puree to a smoother consistency while blending.

On a medium flame, pour squash puree into pot with the meat that has even cooking for 40 mins in medium low

Add the vegetables along with celery and parsley until vegetables are tender. You can salt for your preference.

Then you will add the macaroni ziti, spaghetti and butter into the soup.

For the Flour dumplings:

Add the goya packet to the flour along with the half cup of water and began kneading it.

Add a bit of flour to avoid it sticking to your hands when rolling it and add it to the soup. After 30 min, remove the celery and parsley from the soup.

Add a tablespoon of lime juice into the soup along with the cloves and let cook for another 15 to 20 minutes.

After the yam is cool after boiling for 30 mins, you can add it to the soup and voila. You now have your soup joumou"


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The second department to explore is Nord. In the department of Nord, there is a city called Vertières pronounced (Ver-Ter-Air). Jean-Jacques Dessalines and his troop (Haiti) fought General Rochambeau and his troop (France) in this city on November 18, 1803. Dessalines was in charge and Toussaint was capture. Dessalines defeated the French army. “The Battle of Vertières was the last major battle of the Haitian Revolution, making Haiti the first-ever nation to successfully gain independence through a slave revolt.”(Shaw) On Jan 1, 1804, Dessalines declare Haiti as Independent. Haiti became the first black republic.

Lam veritab

The third dish to crave is Lam veritab pronounced lamb very tab. Lam veritab means breadfruit in English. The breadfruit is steam, smash like mashed potatoes, and served with okra sauce. The dish is called TomTom. Another word for TomTom is FuFu. The ingredients for TomTom is as followed: breadfruit, blue crab, okra, green bell pepper, Haitian seasoning called epis(Scallion, Parsley, Garlic, Red bell pepper, Scotch bonnet pepper, Maggie, Tropical sazon, Annaton, Ground pepper, White Vinegar), garlic cloves, salt, lime juice.

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The third department to explore is Grand’Anse pronounced (Grand-ounce). In the department of Grand’Anse there is a city called Jérémie. TomTom is a popular dish in Jérémie. Alexandre Dumas Pere was born here. He is the poet/playwright responsible for creating The Three Musketeers, and The Count of Monte Cristo in France. “Numerous historians, writers as well as poets were born in Jérémie city and hence is termed as the city of poets.” (Daniel)



The fourth dish to crave is Griot pronounce Gree – Oh, is called fired pork shoulder in English. The ingredients are oil, pork shoulder, chopped red, green & orange bell peppers, hot pepper, grated cabbage and carrots, lemon or lime juice, apple cider or white vinegar, garlic powder, and salt. Griot was prepared only on special occasions due to the high cost of the pork at that time. “The dish is an homage to the griot, a person of high social status in many West African countries, traditionally a local historian, diplomat, warrior, tribal chief, community leader, or a teacher(Griot: Traditional Pork Dish From Haiti: TasteAtlas.). The specific region where the griot originated could not be found.

The instruction to prepare the meal


Step 1: Clean the griot with the cleaning ingredients and wash the meat against the lime. You will rinse the meat with the cold water and you will repeat the process 4 times.

Step 2: After your final wash of the meat, you will add the seasoning ingredients and let it marinate for 45minutes

Step 3: Now you will put your pot on medium high heat and let the meat cook for 1 hour and 22 minutes. You will add the hot pepper and parsley/thyme in with the meat while its cooking. PLEASE BE SURE TO ADD 2 CUPS OF WATER TO PREVENT THE MEAT FROM STICKING TO THE PAN AND FOR THE MEAT TO BE THROUGHLY COOKED.

Step 4: After the meat has been cooked, you will add 5 cups of oil to start frying your griot. You will let the griot fry for at least 5 minutes and you will remove it and let it sit to cool down. PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN FRYING BECAUSE IT WILL BE VERY HOT AND YOU DON’T WANT TO BURN YOURSELF.

Step 5: After that you will make your pikliz with the ingredients listed above and make sure you mix it very well. If your pikliz looks a little dry, just add vinegar at a time until it looks like coleslaw sauce and you are ready to eat ;-)


Video Instuctions:

Do Not Mess with a Haitian's Man Griot. 4 min comedy about Griot



The fourth department to explore is Centre pronounce santr, which means center in English. Hinche, a town in the department of Centre, is the birthplace of the first President of the Dominican Republic. His name was Pedro Santana. Who could have guessed that the first president of the Dominican Republic was Haitian. When the United States invaded Haiti in 1915, a brave soul along with his troops stood up and fought. His name was Charlemagne Pe’ralte and the troops were called Cacos. The Cacos were a military group that was formed after Haiti declared independence in 1804. Charlemagne Pe’ralte was born in this city.



The fifth food to crave is Lambi pronounced Lamb-Bee. Lambi is called conch in English. Conch is a sea snail. The ingredients for Lambi are 2 1/2lb box of conch (lambi), 2 limes, 1 cup of vinegar, 2 tbsp of baking soda, 2 tbsp sour orange juice, 2 tbsp of olive oil, 2 tbsp of garlic powder, 1 tbsp of hot sauce, 2 branches of thyme, half tsp of black pepper, a handful of celery & parsley leaves, 1 tbsp of sofrito, 2 tbsp of tomato paste, red & green peppers (chopped) white onion (chopped), Haitian epis (garlic, green scallion & adobo blended) 1 tbsp of butter 6 cloves of garlic. A little bit of history about conch. The conch shell was used during the Haitian revolution. The shell with some modifications was used as a horn. It alerted the troops and others that the French army was near and backup was needed. It is equivalent to Paul Revere's famous midnight ride alerting everyone, “The British are coming the British are coming.” During the slave rebellion against the French colonialists in 1791, the lambi's call alerted the slaves to impending danger and the need to assemble. “( History: Lambi-Fund.)

The instruction to prepare the meal

" Using a meat mallet, pound the conch until tenderized. Clean the meat thoroughly and let sit for 20 minutes with baking soda rinse and repeat again a second time. Repeat the cleaning process again with the conch but with the 2 limes Put hot sauce, garlic powder, seasoning packet and the celery leaves and let it boil for an hour and a half in a Presto pressure cooker. In a skillet on medium high, heat oil and brown the meat evenly for 10 mins with epic, sofrito, tomato paste, butter, red peppers , onions and cloves. Let it simmer for 30 minutes and the lambi is now ready to eat


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The fifth department to explore is Ouest pronounce wèst. Ouest contains a city called Port-au-prince (pronounce Port a Price). Port-au-prince was named after the ship called prince. After Haiti declared independence on January 1, 1804, this town became the capital of Haiti. The city was devastated by the earthquake in 2010. I was a sophomore at the time and recalled a classmate crying because she lost a relative in the earthquake. Haiti received an estimated 13 billion dollars to rebuild. Port-Prince was home to the first airport. “The International Airport opened near Port-au-Prince in 1965 (today it is called the Toussaint L’Ouverture International Airport).”(Bourlin)

Diri Jon Jon


The sixth food to crave is Diri Jon Jon pronounced do-ri-jon-jon. In English, the word means black rice. The rice gets its color from the mushroom called Jon-Jon.The ingredients for Diri Jon Jon are: 1 1/2 cup of lima beans with green peas, 2 Packets of dried mushroom (Djon Djon) from Sunny Bay, 2 cups of water, 3 tbs of olive oil,1 tbs of Haitian Epis, 1 cup of coconut milk, 1 tbs of butter, 1 hot pepper, 4 cloves, thyme, parsley, 2 cups of white jasmine rice

Jon-Jon is a mushroom that is part of Psathrella coprinocpes. Psathyrella coprinopsis is a class of edible mushrooms only grown in Haiti. Jon-Jon is found in Ouanaminthe pronounce Wanada-Myth. Ouanaminthe is a town in the North-Est department. Jon-Jon is imported into America. Jon-Jon can be found in Korean markets such as Lee’s and Joe's.

The instructions


Wash the beans and peas after removing from packet or can Add 2 cups of water to the Djon Djon to create a mushroom stock and strain it to remove the mushroom after about 10 minutes On medium high heat, add the olive oil and haitian epis to the pan until its brown and then add the peas/lima beans and let it sauté for 3 minutes Add the coconut milk and let it reduce for 3 minutes Add the hot pepper thyme parsley and cloves Add the mushroom stock and let it boil for 5 minutes and then add the butter Wash the rice until the water runs clear while the water is boiling (THIS HELPS PREVENT THE RICE FROM BEING TOO OVERCOOKED) Add the rice to the boiling water and the let the water evaporate and then put the fire to medium low heat and put an aluminum foil over the pan to steam the rice and let it cook for 20-30 minutes Remove hot pepper and thyme.


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The sixth department to explore is North-Est. In the department of Nord-Est, there is a town called Ouanaminthe. The Ouanaminthe town borders the Dominic Republic. This town is also called Juana Mendez. Juana Mendez was an ex-slave who gave birth to Buenaventura. Buenaventura was the first mulatto president of the Dominican Republic.



The seventh dish to crave is Fritay pronounced free-ti. Fritay means fired food. The ingredients for Fritay are malanga fritters, white sweet potatoes, green plantain, beef or goat, or pork. Haitian epis(parsley, scallions, bell peppers, scotch bonnet chiles, garlic, cloves, thyme, citrus juice, pikliz:(coleslaw soak in vinegar). All the ingredients are fired in oil except the coleslaw.

Video Instruction



The seventh department to explore is Sud. In the south department of Haiti, there is a town camp-Perrin. The town was found by the Perrin brothers from France. They were interested in producing coffee, indigo, and a particular tree wood.The tree wood is called Campeche. “Campeche wood is generally prepared as a decoction for the treatment of diarrhea; it is an effective astringent (drying agent). In herbal medicine systems in Mexico, it is employed as a natural remedy for anemia, dysentery and diarrhea, intestinal parasites, tuberculosis, and for menstrual disorders. In Brazilian herbal medicine, the bark is used internally for diarrhea, and dysentery; externally as an astringent disinfectant for wounds and skin ulcers.”( I doubt it was known at that time.

Mayi Moulin


The eighth dish to crave is Mayi Moulin pronounced My-E-Mo-lend. In English, it is called cornmeal. The ingredients are water, cornmeal, spinach, goya packet, garlic salt, herring, hot pepper, parsley, thyme, coconut milk, red peppers, extra virgin oil, minced garlic, Haitian epis, tomato sauce, butter, and avocado. Mayi Moulin is very fulfilling. It is a tradition in Haiti to start with this meal. For those individuals who work physically demanding jobs, this meal is perfect.

The instruction


1. On medium high heat, add the oil to cook the herring, once the oil is hot, add the herring, let it fry for one minute. After the herring has been fried for one minute, you will add the minced garlic & epis

2. After about a minute, add the tomato sauce and stir occasionally. Next add the spinach and let it simmer for 2 minutes. Add half cup of water to the spinach so it can be steamed and let it cook for 2 minutes. Be sure to cover the pot so the spinach can be steamed better.

3. Add the coconut milk along with the red peppers.

4. Add the 3 cups of water along with the hot pepper and the parsley/thyme. (PLEASE DO NOT POKE OR PUNCTURE THE HOT PEPPER)

5. While the water is beginning to boil, wash the cornmeal at least 3 times to remove any remaining residue or kernels. (THE KERNELS WILL LOOK LIKE BLACK OR WHITE PEBBLES). 6.Once the water is boiling, you will add the washed corn meal. You will then add the Goya packet and some garlic salt. (PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU STIR OCCASIONALLY TO PREVENT ANY LUMPS IN THE CORN MEAL)

7.After 3 minutes has passed add your butter. After that put the pot on medium low heat and let it simmer for 30 minutes.

"-(Marie. “Mayi Moulin ak Aranso | Cornmeal with Smoked Herring”)

Video instructions



The eighth department to explore Nord-ouest. In the department of Nord-ouest there is an island called Tortuga. The Island was featured in the book The Black Swan by Rafael Sabatini, and one of the Pirates of the Caribbean films.


The first beverage to crave is Kremas pronounce cra-mas. The American equivalent beverage is the adult version of Eggnog. Kremas is a popular alcoholic drink served during the Holidays. The ingredients are carnation milk, cream of coconut, condensed milk, vanilla or almond extract, anise star, cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, lime zest, Barbancourt pronounce ba ba cool) Rhum. The ingredients are blended together in a blender. Warning, have a designated driver if consuming more than one cup of Kremas.

Video instruction:



The ninth department to explore Nippes. In the department of Nippes, there is a town called Miragoane pronounced ma-ray-go-land. Southwest of Miragonae contain bauxite deposits.“The largest bauxite deposits in Haiti are on the Rochelois Plateau on the Southern Peninsula southwest of Miragoane;”( PATTERSON) Bauxite is used to make aluminum. The Reynolds Metals Company used to mine the bauxite deposits in Haiti. The Reynolds Metals company is the same company that makes the Reynolds wrap.The company eventually left Haiti.



The second beverage to crave is barbancourt pronounced baba-cool. Baba cool is Haitian rum. It comes in 4 years, 8 years, and 15 years. The rum is from Sugar cane juice. The company BarbanCourt is Haiti's oldest company. It has been passed down from generation to generation; it is currently at its 4th generation. The company started when a French man of the name Dupre Barbancourt emigrated to Haiti. The company was founded at the end of 1862. The company headquarters reside in Port-au-prince. Barbancourt is Haiti's most international company known throughout the world. BanBarnCourt falls into the cognac family of alcohol. Dupre Barbancourt wife Nathalie Gardère is the first female to run and own the distillery in the world. Do a quick Google search for the first female distiller and her name will not come up. Marianne Eaves will come up. It is very interesting. If you do a quick Google search on Dupre Barbancourt wife, nothing is mentioned at all about being the first female distiller. The Googler will have to click on a few links to learn more about Nathalie Gardere and the date she took over the company. She took over the company in 1907 making her the first female distiller in the world.


The tenth department to explore is Sud-est. In the department of Sud-est, there is a city called jacmel. Pronounce Jac in the work Jacques and mel as in the word Mel Gibson. Jacemel is the first city to receive electricity therefore Jacmel is called the city of light. Jacmel is home to coffee, sugar, and artistry. The current Venezuelan flag was inspired by the Gran Colombia flag created near the city when Francisco de Miranda visited Haiti in 1806. Franciso de Miranda was fighting for independence from the Spanish Colonies. “ The flag is pretty much one that was designed by Francisco de Miranda. His flag was also the inspiration for the flags of Columbia and Ecuador. The original design was first flown on March 12, 1806 in Jacmel, Haiti during the final leg of Miranda’s voyage to Venezuela. The flag was first flown on Venezuelan soil on August 3, 1806 at Ka Vela de Coro”( Kovatch) .

That is all for now see you in the next installment of Are You Hungry?

Works Cited

Bourlin, Olga. “PORT-AU-PRINCE, REPUBLIC OF HAITI (1749- ).” Port-Au- Prince, Republic of Haiti (1749- ), 6 Feb. 2020,

“Campeche.” Campeche - Haematoxylon Campechianum in the Tropical Plant Database for

Herbal Remedies,

Daniel, Mack. “Jérémie.” Haiti Local, 6 Sept. 2020, 05:34,

Esser, Dominique. “Crête-à-Pierrot.” Crête-à-Pierrot - TLP, 12 Jan. 2018, 05:16,

“Griot: Traditional Pork Dish From Haiti: TasteAtlas.” World Food Atlas: Discover 11,062 Local

Dishes & Ingredients, 29 Dec. 2015,

“History: Lambi-Fund.” Lambi,

Kovatch, Shana. “Venezuela Flag.” Flag Blog, 2018 United States Flag Store & Online

Stores, LLC., 31 July 2009,

Marie. “HAITIAN LALO Aka JUTE LEAVES STEW.” YouTube, YouTube, 23 July 2019,

Marie. “HOW TO MAKE HAITIAN JOUMOU aka SQUASH SOUP.” YouTube, 10 Sept 2018,


Marie. “HOW TO CLEAN & COOK CONCH/LAMBI” YouTube, 21 Aug 2018,


Marie. “Mayi Moulin ak Aranso | Cornmeal with Smoked Herring” YouTube, 21 Apr 2019,

PATTERSON, SAM. “Bauxite Reserves and Potential Aluminum Resources of the World.”

Bauxite Reserves and Potential Aluminum Resources of the World , no. 1228, 1967, pp.

43–43. Geological Survey Bulletin 1228,

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